Cafe La Merienda 
508 Main Street
Danville, AR 72833
Phone: 479-495-5408
"Home of the best Pupusas in the world"
POSTRES  (Desserts)
Empanadas de platano con leche  (poleada)
  (Fried banana {plantain} pie)

3 Sopapias con miel

Plantanos  fritos con lechera
(Fried plantain with condensed milk)

Nieve de fresa o vainilla
      (Ice cream)
Ensalada (Salad)

Orden de arroz y frijoles
   (Order of rice and beans)

Papa fritas (French fries)

Enchiladas pollo o carne (Beef or chicken Enchiladas)

Dip de queso blanco  (Cheese dip)

Sope {tortilla con carne,frijoles,lechuga,tomate y crema
  (Sope {Tortilla with meat,fried beans,lettuce,tomatoes and sour cream)

Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper, Sprite, Orange, and Grape

Horchata, Pina, Tamarindo, Melon, Chan

Licuado de leche con banana o fresa

Cafe (Coffee)

Leche fria o caliente
